Gluten Free, Healthy Living, Health Coach

How to Bounce Back When You’ve Gone Off Track

You may have started the year off with lofty goals and dreams for the new year ahead. No matter how enthusiastic we are on January 1st, things often don’t work out exactly as we planned when it comes to Resolutions. That’s to be expected and totally okay! I want to share with you some ways […]

7 Delicious Ways to Enjoy Avocados (and a Recipe)!

If you love avocados, you’re in luck! With every serving of this super-fruit (yes, it’s technically a fruit), you get about 20 different vitamins and minerals. Some you may recognize are: Potassium for regulated blood pressure Lutein for healthy eyes Folate, which helps cellular repair and can additionally help build brain development in growing fetuses […]

Healthy Gluten-Free Snacks To Take With You

When you’re in the moment and feeling those hunger pangs, it can be hard to sit and think about safe and healthy snack options. In those moments, you want whatever is closest to you and easiest to consume. To avoid grabbing the gluteny high-sugar, processed snacks that will leave you feeling unsatisfied and blah, here […]

Making Peace with your Food

I had the honor and pleasure of being a guest blogger on Hilary Fosdal’s website (no longer active). Here is my contribution – Making Peace with your food How can you succeed in this new, healthier lifestyle that you’ve chosen? Here are 3 tips from gluten-free expert and nutrition coach Edie Hoppin. #1 Focus your […]

How to Set Yourself up for Fresh-Start Success

Written by Phebe Rossi on January 10, 2019 Guest written by Edie Hoppin, creator of Living the Good Life Gluten Free, Certified Health Coach It’s January! The year stretches out before us as a blank slate, promising all kinds of “do-overs” and fresh possibilities. I used to be simultaneously excited and overwhelmed by this time […]

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