Don’t Let Menopause Symptoms Drive You Crazy!

Do the symptoms of menopause make you feel like monsters are tormenting you? Take the quiz and let’s find out which monster has got you searching for relief!

Help is on the way with the
Meno Sanity Program

This aging thing isn't for wimps!

Get one-on-one support to help you find the foods that stop the hormone roller coaster, stress less, and sleep more.

Learn how to care for your changing body, and flow with the energies of the seasons instead of pushing against them.

All this and more for less than $20 a day!!

Inside, You Feel Way Too Young For All Of This “Old Lady Stuff”, And You're Desperate For Some Way To Stop The Slide!

You may be reaching “mid-life”, but you have too much you want to do to be seriously slowed down by

Brain Fog

Weight Gain

Joint Pain

stressful sleepless nights

Hi, I’m Edie

For over ten years I have been supporting women in caring for their bodies and deeply nourishing themselves. I combine my formal education as a Certified Health Coach, an Holistic Esthetician, my decades of real-woman experience, and my true love of food!

As I approached the “meno-pause” I was really struggling. It was a bit scary to be so out of control. I learned, from personal experience, that what worked in my 20’s didn’t work in my 50’s. By using my coaching skills, and some intensive menopause study, I started getting good sleep, stopped waking up in puddles, and could think through the brain fog. YAY!!

This led to the creation of the Meno Monster Quiz and the Meno Sanity Program. I LOVE food – a LOT – and don’t believe in “dieting”! In the Meno Sanity Program, I show my clients the shortcuts I’ve learned, and we co-create a map that leads them step-by-step to the foods and practices that work best for them. It’s kind of like the game “Candy Land”, but with grown up treats and fun!

As a classically trained opera singer and an internationally award winning performer, I understand firsthand that feeling good in your body can lead to great things. Now that I understand how to care for my changing body, I enjoy supporting my clients, playing in my garden, traveling, and taking long walks in the woods. My husband and I have created our own piece of Maui in our Seattle backyard, complete with a waterfall and banana plants. 

Every time I support a client in updating their own personal care and feeding manual, I get so excited! I know that with the right foods and practices they can blossom and continue to grow. Nothing makes me happier than supporting my clients through the meno-passage doorway to mid-life and beyond!

The Meno Sanity System

Start by creating your Meno Sanity Map to help you deal with all the wacky changes in your hormones and your body!

Revamp your menu with an easy, seriously delicious, Personalized Food Plan to give you the powerful fuel your body craves.

Reduce your stress and improve your sleep with time tested, science based Stress Relief and Sleep Tools.

Decrease pain and inflammation, and balance your weight through Body Wisdom. Discover long term strategies for keeping your body happy.

Learn Your New Energy Cycles, by working with the seasonal energies of the Earth instead of against them.

You Are Too Young And “Too Fabulous”, To Let Menopause Symptoms Slow You Down!

Choose a Program and Let's
Get You Back On Track

Meno Sanity

30 Day


Whether you’re being tormented by one menopause symptom or a whole gang, it’s time to stop the Meno Monsters in their tracks

Click the button below for more information on how the comprehensive Six Month Meno Sanity Program can support you in making easy changes that will help you take back control of your body and your life.

Do you find yourself thinking, “If I could just get rid of hot flushes, or stop the sleepless nights, I could get back to functioning like the productive human that I know I am”? 

Click the button below for more information on how this 30 Day Intensive can help you kick your worst Meno Monster out of your body and your life. 

Not sure where to start? Click the button below to
take the quiz and let’s find out which monster is
causing your worst menopause symptom!

Here’s What Folks Have To Say About Working With Edie.

Frequently Asked Questions

Good news! You’re not broken, so there’s no need to fix anything.

Hormonal changes develop over a long period of time. Lifestyle choices also affect your current health.

Making small changes over a few months will mean success in the long run. We’ll slow things down and gently shift old patterns and create new ones to create lasting success.

Great question! There is actually too much information on the internet, which can lead to information overload and “information anxiety”.

You are already stressed out by the changes happening in your body. You don’t need to slog through hours of Googling tons of information that is overwhelming and confusing.

I will turn off the “firehose of information” and give you a curated, personalized stream of support that will be the most supportive for your individual needs.

In most cases, you can keep eating your favorites! 

Looking at what you eat AND when you eat it can make a big difference.

Finding delicious replacements for the foods that are causing your meno-symptoms will mean an easy transition to meno-friendly meals.

I have done-for-you lists and suggestions so you don’t have to waste money and time struggling through difficult or tasteless experiments.

Toxic substances are a part of our world and in our food and water. Our bodies clear out a lot, but sometimes they need a little help.

When you shift your eating patterns to be more meno-friendly, it’s a good idea to give your body a boost in clearing out the old.

We can do a cleanse for each season, and it’s extra supportive when you’re shifting to a healthier way of living.

I’m all about making cleansing EASY and FUN – two words that usually aren’t associated with the idea of a detox or cleanse. You won’t starve, I promise!

You will be getting a meal plan and lots of delicious recipes that will instantly boost your meal repertoire. We’ll also do some meditations and energetic exercises that are good for your soul.

My Mission

My mission for over two decades has been to search out the most delicious and easiest ways for us busy grown up women to take care of ourselves. I have created the Meno Sanity Program to provide deep and personalized support during your transition into a new and wonderful phase in your life.

They say that aging is no joke, however, a few positive changes can put the smile back on your face.

I would be honored to partner with you in “turning back the clock” and healing your body, without losing any of the wisdom and brilliance that you have earned along the way.

I’m excited to support you in regaining your health and wellbeing without all of the mistakes I made, or the frustration and struggle of trying to do it alone.

The Meno Sanity Program will provide one-on-one support (and group support in the bonus Seasonal 5-Day Reset) that’s designed to help you create long-term ways to feel good and have success over and over again.

Still Have Questions?

Menopause is a natural part of the aging process, and we still want to feel healthy and vibrant. You deserve to have excellent, personalized support as you move into this new phase of your life. Let’s get on a 30 minute Meno Mapping call, and talk about the next best steps for you!

I’m looking forward to talking with you soon!

Edie Hoppin

Join The MenoSanity Program

Contact Edie

I’m Here To Assist You

Not sure where to start?

Feel free to contact me, and I will be more than happy to answer all of your questions.

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