Gluten Free, Healthy Living, Health Coach

3 Simple Ways to Create Healthy Changes This Year

Well, here we are in 2021! FINALLY! I am grateful for all that this last year has taught me, and also looking forward to starting the New Year in a good way. As I mentioned in my last blog, rather than make “resolutions” I like to choose words or a theme for the New Year. This year I am focusing on Hope, Joy, and I AM. In order to make a shift from last year (because let’s be honest, so much is still the same!) I am going to focus on Hope and Joy as I make a few changes. I invite you to try these three new practices with me and see how they work for you.

I will also be sharing more insights and asking you to share yours during Facebook Live conversations, starting soon. Details on how to join and a link are located at the end of this article.


1.  Jump on the meal-planning train
Hope and Joy meet when I start thinking about my favorite foods! In the past, it has been a scramble in my kitchen every night. Oh yes, I have started to make meal plans with the best of intentions, but when I got tired and worn down by all of the stress of 2020, I went back to my old “every night is an improvisation” ways. I have had ingredients to create “something” each time, but I am much happier when I set myself up for success with a meal plan. So instead of dissolving back into kitchen chaos, I recommit to meal planning. Won’t you join me?

I am reminding myself and offering the following suggestions to you:

  • During downtime, take a moment to look at healthy meals you can prepare ahead.
  • Build a shopping list that makes it easy to craft numerous healthy meals from the same base of ingredients.
  • Let your slow cooker, Instant Pot, and other kitchen tools help you get the job done.

Freezing leftovers properly will ensure that you preserve all of the flavor and good quality when you have the time to cook. Make sure to wrap them well and label them. I have a friend who recently told me he was having “dinner surprise” because he forgot to label his frozen meals.

My favorite part is when I’m just too tired to make dinner. I love finding a frozen gift from my past self in the freezer! Just heat and eat a healthy and delicious meal!


2.  Make more time for sleep
I know sometimes we have regrets for the naps we refused to take as children. Now, as adults, we wish we had more time for rest. But in all honesty, we still have time. Planning more time snuggled in bed brings me Joy!

During this strange time of “lockdowns” and social distancing. Many of us have realized that a different schedule is possible. Even if you are working and/or juggling at-home schooling, you can set a firm bedtime for yourself or your family. You can select a bedtime alarm on your phone that will tell you when to stop working or bingeing Netflix and get ready for bed. Read a few pages of a good book and then pull up the covers. You’ll start feeling happier and less anxious when you take this time for yourself.


3.  Take time to unplug from the digital world
So much of what we do involves being digitally-tethered. We’re always on our devices for work, and when we’re done for the day, we’re entranced with our smartphones and the endless barrage of social media platforms.

Remember the days when the internet was an escape from reality? Hope can get squashed by spending too much time in the “if it bleeds it leads” world of mainstream and social media. Now we need to make reality an escape from the online world. Unplug from your devices each day at a particular time and make time for those in the real world under your roof.

Make time for yourself, too. Try setting a timer for five minutes and sit in silence. If sitting is not your thing then take a walk. “Walking meditation” is one of my favorite ways to unplug and recharge. It also gives me the opportunity to listen to my own thoughts and my inner wisdom. Have you met your Intuition? Join the calls coming up on Facebook and we’ll talk about how to be in conversation with yourself and your inner wisdom.


These three healthy practices might seem small, but they can make a big difference in how you navigate the New Year. I am Joyful to be focusing on a good start for all of us in 2021. I have Hope that we all find these three practices useful and supportive. As we make space to take care of ourselves others will also benefit. Inner resilience and a positive attitude are a great way to go forward, at all times of the year.

Please join me for a series of Facebook Live conversations coming soon! I will be posting information in the group and following up with emails about dates and times.


If you haven’t already, join the Facebook Group now so you don’t miss out!

Click here to join Living the Good Life with Edie Hoppin


Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Love and Blessings!

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